Monday, 17 August 2015

How to know when you are prepared to start a relationship

Well, today we are up with another discussion, and this time around, we are hitting it at you. Yes you! I just got you, you want to start a relationship right? And you want to know if you are ready for it right?

Or no, lets just say you have started the relationship, but then you want to know if you are right about the relationship you are into?
I am here to enlighten you more about this subject matter and what it entails.

Normally you would want to start a relationship, and you are just waiting to start it, and now you want to kick start it with that beautiful girl you just meet, and you just think that she is the right girl for you. Or that handsome guy you just meet and you think he is the right guy for you.

When you want to start a relationship, you have to think about yourself, what you want, your beliefs, your behaviours and attitudes, among others, and then, see if that other person you want to get into a relationship with is capable and fit to occupy that hungry and empty space in your life.

Or just think it this way, think within yourself why you need a soulmate to continue your life with. Maybe you would just think now and say you just need a partner that will show you love, care and affection, understanding and support.

You are right when you think that way, but does it really matter? Are your answers really convincing about why you want to start the relationship? Okay if it is right, then ask yourself. WHAT IF I START THE RELATIONSHIP WITH THE RIGHT MAN/WOMAN BUT AT THE WRONG TIME?.

Let me show you some signs that you are not ready to start a new relationship life, or some signs that tells you have to wait first.
(Also Read: 5 Tips on how to be that special man every woman wants )

#Wanting someone to rescue you.
Yes, this can be the reason why you want to start dating and if it is, you are starting it the wrong way. By this, i mean that maybe you are thinking of how miserable your life is and so, you want someone to save you out of that misery and in the process, you might get someone who is also in that situation and also wanting to be saved, and from that, your misery gets doubled.

#Wanting to fill an empty space in your life.
Yes it do happen this way too, you think you need someone to complete your life for you, and you start searching for one, well you are starting it the wrong way. You might be with the right person, but at the wrong time.

Also, maybe you cannot differentiate from love and interest. Are you chasing for love or what is of interest to you? If you want love, then sorry, you got it wrong, you should chase after your interest and not love.

Also, maybe you are now trying to change and look loveable to that person you want to start dating or something like that. That does not define being ready for a relationship.
If you are trying to start a relationship just because your friends are into it, oh that's wrong too.

There are so many reasons and signs to say that you started or you want to start a relationship wrongly and for the wrong reasons and at the wrong time.
But how do i know that i am ready and prepared to start a relationship that is going to last longer?
See the signs below.

#You have no past that still hurts.
One reason why people fail in moving on and getting the best kind of relationship they want is because they refuse to erase and clean the thoughts of old memories and things that makes them sad and demanding when ever they think about love.

So if you want to start it at the right time and along with the right person, then you must forget about your old relationships, your ex, things that gets you angry about your ex,  and all that.

So be ready to forget about everything that hurts and then, move on with your life. Now that is when you are ready to start a new relationship at the right time.

#You are always happy with who you are.
When you are not always happy for whom you are and naturally, happy with yourself and what you have generally in your life, then you are not ready to start a new relationship.
If you cant be happy with yourself alone and therefore you are looking for someone to make you happy and be happy together, you are not ready.

People who are ready for relationships are people who just want someone to share their life and happiness with. So if you are not always happy with yourself, how will you share your happiness with that person? Now you know. Without you being happy with yourself, you can not be happy with that other guy or girl either.

#You can handle being single.
What i mean by this is that being single is not a problem to someone who is ready for love.
When you are ready for a relationship, you create more time for your own happiness so you can make the other person happy and so, if you can not be happy as a single person and enjoy your life as a single person, then you are not ready for a relationship.

You only want someone to share your life with and not someone to complete it for you. Your life should be complete and intact before you start thinking of starting a relationship.

#You are open minded and have nothing to hide.
Before you can start a relationship that is going to last for a long time, you must not have any thing to hide which you don't want any one to know. You must be ready to be open minded to whomsoever you want to start the relationship with.

That's what it means to be in a relationship, sharing of your life episodes together without withdrawing any truth and keeping it hidden with you.
When you hide any truth from your relationship, it will surely haunt your relationship down in any way it will come.

#You have friends that means the world to you.
You have to know that only one person can never make you happy in your life, and that's where your friendship cycle comes into consideration.
Relationships are like sudden wind, it blows and then, goes off, girls/guys will come and go, but your friends lasts forever.

So if you want to start a relationship, make sure that you have a fulfilling friend list and make sure that they are supportive in your life.

#Unconditional love.
This is another pin point where many people are caught rushing towards in their relationships.
You should not have any condition or reason for going into a relationship apart from the fact that you want to share your happy life with another person that does not lack in what characterise your own life.

#Bold and courageous.
You have to know that going into a relationship requires you to be courageous and bold to confront whatever is to come in the after bond.
Boldness and courage signifies willingness, determination and strength to carry the loads of the relationship you want to start.
(Also Read: 5 Unhealthy conversation mistakes you make with women )

Do you have exit doors that are left open in your life? If yes, then you need to close them before you start the relationship.
Sometimes when you start a relationship, you might eventually discover some wrong things in the relationship which will make you want to get out of the relationship.

Now you have to reconsider those things that will make you want to run out of the relationship and then, close them up and amend those things so that they don't affect your new relationship.

Relationships are like toys, they need to be handled with care and take risks because you are about to start something that will affect and change many story lines in your life.

There are many things to talk about when ever it comes to the issue of starting a relationship, but all of them can never be said here, we will add more to it in our articles ahead. Feel free to share your thoughts on this subject matter and add more to what have been discussed.

Paul Samuel Uchechukwu

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