Have you ever been in a situation where you discover that your partner have been using you to cheat on their relationships?
I have been in that situation before, and it happened a girl meet me, and was always wanting me to come over her house, or just make phone calls with her, somehow and finally, we started a relationship with her.
After been in the relationship for almost a month, that was when the truth came out from some close friends to her and they told she that she have a boyfriend they are together with, and she was just using me to cheat.
I became angry, sad and just pissed up about the whole stuff, i called her to confirm it and i was rigid on my points before she agreed to open up and beg me to forgive her.
I refused to continue the relationship because it was a kind of funny talking about the way she was using me to cheat.
Because am financially stable and i like giving out, she was like always making demands from me, and seeing her as a girlfriend i love so much, i couldn't resist giving her whatever she desires as far as she tells me something reasonable she is going to use them for. i was like her financial account and that month, almost half of my monthly budget was spent on her only.
I was doing all those things for her because she was able to blindfold me with much love and though it seemed to me like the love was real and straight from the heart, i never knew that she was just using me as her bank account and she kept showing me love like it was real (we never had sex! Bad for me.).
After i was able to find out what was really going, i have to start thinking about what i have to do.
Should i end the relationship? Or should i just continue?
Now that is the main point where this topic is heading to. The reason why you were used to cheat is not a problem, the problem is that you have been cheated on and you have been used to cheat on someone.
You are just like a third party in this situation because you have been used to serve a purpose.
What hurts you more is that you have been used to hurt the feelings of another person and come in between their relationship, but then what hurts most is the fact that you allowed yourself to grow in love with someone who lied to you and who is using you to cheat.
But then, you should not even think of staying in the relationship. You are not the only one involved with that person, who knows if you are 4 or 5 involved? So you see that you cant help such a situation thinking that it will get better and shift in your favour.
If you continue in the relationship, things might start getting worst because a lot criticism, break in trust and other things will start cueing up among you and the other person might get to know about what is happening, now you see that its going to be a lot of big problems to face.
There is no need being in a relationship with a liar and a cheater especially when your own characters and personality is of great value.
So the best to start with is to plan on ways you can bring the relationship to an end.
So here are a list of some guidelines to help you with ending such kinds of relationship affair and get a better life for yourself.
1. Accept the fact that you have been cheated on.
Sometimes when we find out that everything we were building have finally collapsed and when that happens, we refuse to believe and accept the reality of what is happening to us and make new decisions. When you now discover that you were cheated with and you were used for another purpose while to you, it seemed that you were the original
So when you find out that this is really happening to you, the first thing you can do to help yourself is to affect the fact that you have been cheated on, and that you have participated in a cheating act that will affect another individual.
So when you have accepted this fact without refusing to give in to the situation and change plans, them you will find out that taking the next step is nothing really hard to do.
2. Face Your Cheating Partner And Ask For Reasons.
They always say that the best way to tackle a problem is to face that problem and trace the root of that problem.
So meeting your affair partner and discussing your pain about happened is a good way to get yourself right and conscience clear about the dilemma you are going through.
Since you are now feeling the pain, guilt, anger and other things because of the occurrence, meeting the cheater and telling them how you felt and how things are now going with you is another way you can use in consoling yourself and pave a way out of the affair.
After that, you should be able to ask your affair partner the possible reasons why they decided to cheat with you and after that, you will find justification for whatever you participated in doing with him or her.
3. Distance Yourself Away and Avoid Your Partner.
Since you know that cheating is a very serious offence that always come with lots of consequence, the other next step you must take to help yourself is to distance yourself away from your cheating partner and break it off with him or her.
When you do that, you will find out that you finally have personal space and time to think about what is happening and to figure out your next plans for a better life.
When you are able to stay away from your partner who is cheating with you, it will also offer them more time to think about what they made you to indulge in and now, realising that they will be facing the consequence of what they have committed.
4. Start Erasing Their Thoughts And Memories in Your Life.
This is the most difficult aspect of the matter because at this point, you will find it hard to cope with the situation and move on with your life.
Anything that you know will remind you of the person should be totally deleted and done away with. Things like their social profiles, emails, messages, phone numbers, their gifts to you, clothes, gadgets, etc.
All these things which you know belongs to them must be done away with if you want to move on with your life.
5. Do Not Confront or Try Meeting Their Original Partners.
You already know that the girl or that man have been cheating with you and it happens that you know the original person they started with before you were involved.
So to manage and maintain your anger, dignity and respect, you should not go anywhere near that person whom you know that you were involved in cheating on him/her.
6. Determination on Your Decision.
Don't just say you are going to do all these things and take action as you are currently thinking in your mind. So you must first of all be determined in your heart and mind that you are surely going to leave their life because that is the only way you can help yourself become a better person.
Since indulging in the cheating act was not your original intention, having the determination to set yourself free and move on with your life is nothing hard to do, except if you want to continue in the act because you don't feel like going the right way, but altogether, these tips will work for your own good if you follow them practically and in the right manner.
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