Women get more attracted to men who show self confidence and also appear persuasive in their actions, and that is why even the most intelligent, handsome and wealthy guys fail in most quest on attracting a woman and treating her the way she wants.
The thing is this, there are guys who normally have luck with most women they come across, and this is not because they are attractive or wealthy, but its because they always show confidence when ever they are with any woman.
No trick can ever work for you whenever you want to get a lady attracted to you, new moves are not needed to get a lady to be interested in you, and when ever you just feel like asking for an advice on why women don't get interested in you, every advice you receive actually ends to the point of showing confidence.
When you try to be nice to a woman, it still works and is a nice idea which will tell a woman that you are that nice guy, and instead of extending her compliments to another level of interest, you discover that everything ends at the point of you being a nice guy. So when ever you want a lady to be attracted to you, then acting nice is not the way. I will show you more.. just read on.
What Do Women Really Want?
This is one question that mean have always asked in their desperate needs to fulfil the desires of a woman's heart.
So for you to become an expert in dealing with women and also, possessing that particular kind of lifestyle you always fantasize whenever it comes down to women, you must learn to find out what that woman want.
Now the number one (1) thing that every woman needs in a man is to have her needs and desires fulfilled, and because of that, a woman tends to look out for some traits which she wants in a man who she can term "MR. CAPABLE" in fulfilling her desires.
Now do you know what women have always wanted? One among them is:
(1) Security
Now talking about security, every woman wants to feel safe and secured in the hands of any man who is going to be with her, and that is why her security matters a lot to her.
What do a woman need to be secured about?
A woman wants to be sure that she is dating a man who will not cheat, lie, break her heart, have a poor financial life, etc.
So how do you go about showing that habit of being capable to secure that woman? What you have to show to her is:
The first step towards giving any woman a sense and feeling of security with you is to be loyal to her.
You don't need to lie about who you are and what you have, you must be your real self, you should never attempt lying to a woman about anything because sooner or later, she must know about the truth in any situation.
When you are loyal to a woman, she generates that feeling inside of her that she can trust you and what you actually claim to be.
Now there are other traits which you can develop that works inline with what some women have always wanted in a man. Like for example: Women want pleasure from a man, and that makes them feel a pure sensual stimulation that triggers every part of their body. Women also needs a man who will create an adventure that will lead them into emotional actions that will show you they cant be without you.
So for you to satisfy such wants in a woman, you must show imagination when ever you are with her as it makes them feel stimulated which triggers her sensual pleasure, and also you have to show a woman passion so that she can feel exited being with you and would not want to leave you, now that's adventure for any woman.
But then, without looking at what a woman actually need, there are other things you can do to improve yourself just to be a man that every other woman want to date. So what are they?
#Mirror yourself and improve yourself.
Some people tend to just look out for the negative behaviours in them and then, try improving them.
But becoming that kind of a guy every woman wants have narrowed its qualities beyond negative traits solution. You have to look out and think also about things you can improve on to make your life better and have more confidence in yourself.
The way you dress matters a lot, you have to always dress clean and smart, and also exercising is a great great way towards achieving self worth and even confidence in yourself.
Also try not to make negative postures a habit inside you, won't murmur always, haunch your shoulders while walking, or even bend one sided while sitting on a chair because when you do all that, it shows lack of confidence in yourself.
#Your Standards Matters.
A sure way towards becoming the dream guy of any woman is by setting your own rules towards handling every situation including the worst girlish situations.
You don't need to think that you can just date any woman that you come across, and if you think everyone is datable, then no girl will see any special value in you as you have recorded many stupid and uninteresting moment with many women.
So now how do you set a dating standard that will make a woman think you are unlike other men?
(1) Think about what type of a girl you want to date and then, what you actually want from her, you have to look for a girl who will make you happy. (2) Take things slow and easy, don't just rush into any kind of a relationship because the woman you think is the right girl for you might be dating another man. (3) Don't settle for less, you should be able to know when you have found the person you want to be with because you will end up hurting any woman who is not meant to be with you and also, you will be hurt.
(4) Never act needy in any way, nor act like you are worried and unsecured about a lady who turned down your request for a date down. When a woman says she does not want you, then thank her for being honest and move on with your life.
Don't waste your time on any girl, and if you’ve tried to get a second or third date from a girl three times with nothing to show for it, move on. You only have to invest time in people that will invest time in you. You will respect yourself
more and so will other women who are seeing you come closer to them
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